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    Locked [Build] Hecarim Jungle S4


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    Summoner Spells: GHOST SMITE Runes: 9 Seal of Armor (+1.41Armor) 3 Mark of Attack Damage (+0.95Attack Damage) 6 Mark of Magic Penetration (+1.2

    Opisz coś o postaci... Odpisz coś o itemach jakie składać (dlaczego? kiedy? poco?) A takto jakoś ujdzie.

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    Summoner Spells:



    9 Seal of Armor


    3 Mark of Attack Damage

    (+0.95Attack Damage)

    6 Mark of Magic Penetration

    (+1.28 Armor Penetration)

    6 Glyph of CD Reduction

    (-0.83% Cooldown Reduction)

    3 Glyph of Scalling Magic Resist

    (+0.15 Magic Resist Per LEVEL)

    3 Quint of Movement Speed

    (+1.5% Movement Speed)



    Offense: 9


    Defense: 9



    Hunter's Machete , 5x Red Potion , Warding Totem


    Boots of Speed, Spirit Stone, Ruby Crystal, Sweeping Lens

    Musisz POSIADAĆ!!!!!!!!:

    Spirit of the ancient golem, Ninja Tabi, Sheen

    Obrona VS AD:

    Sunfire Cape, Iceborn Guantlet, The Black Cleaver, Oracle's Lens.

    Obrona #2 VS AD:

    Randuin's Omen, Frozen Heart, Trinity Force, Farsight Orb

    Obrona VS AP:

    Spirit Visage, Trinity Force, Banshees Veil, Oracle's Lens

    Obrona #2 VS AP:

    Locket of the Iron Solari, Iceborn Guantlet, Banshee's Veil, Farsight Orb

    Pełny Build:

    Ninja Tabi, Spirit of the Ancient Golem, Sunfire Cape, Trinity Force, Spirit Visage, Enchantment - Homeguard, Farsight Orb

    Skille Kolejnoś:

    hecarim-rampage.png 1, 4, 5, 7, 9

    hecarim-spirit-of-dread.png 2, 14, 15, 17, 18

    hecarim-devastating-charge.png 3, 8, 10, 12, 13

    hecarim-onslaught-of-shadows.png 6, 11, 16

    Jak zrozumieliście kolejność to mam nadzieje, że pomogłem :> Miłego grania HECARIMEM

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